Gibraltar Tenpin Bowling Association - Constitution
Updated at AGM held on 14/09/2022 at John Mackintosh Hall
Updated at AGM held on 14/09/2022 at John Mackintosh Hall
1. AIM
The aim of the GTBA (founded 1995) is to encourage and develop Tenpin bowling in Gibraltar.
To achieve its’ aim the GTBA have the following objectives;
Rule 3.1 All new bowlers are welcome at any time during the season and must be proposed and seconded by an existing member (18 and over) of the GTBA or at the time of Team Registration. In the event of admission during the playing season. Membership subscriptions MUST be paid to a GTBA committee member before any further matches are played. If there are 50% or less of league matches remaining for their registered team then only 50% of the membership fee is too paid.
3.3. The annual membership subscription fee or annual administration charge will be set /reviewed at every AGM.
3.4 The annual Team membership subscription, and player’s fees, must be paid to the Treasurer before the start of the league season deemed to be 1st October. For new members, subscriptions must be paid within 30 days of official notification of acceptance to the Association. Until subscriptions are paid no new members are allowed to benefit from any of the privileges afforded to members of the Association. See RULE 3.1
3.5 The annual team registration fee is none refundable. All monies collected from team registration will be used to help fund the Presentation Night, trophies and other expenses.
3.6 The Association may use a percentage of the subscription monies not exceeding 40% to help fund any shortfall (after fund-raising) for representative tournaments. This 40% is the maximum allowed for all anticipated competitions in any one year; September 1st to August 31st.The allocation of these funds will be distributed equally at the beginning of the season between these tournaments. In the case of this not being used then it will be passed on to the following year.
4.1. All members of the GTBA Committee, consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, League Coordinator, Fixtures Secretary, Youth Coordinator, Media Representative, Events coordinator, Safeguarding Officer & Committee Members will govern the Association. The Committee may co-opt additional members to assist them in their duties. Co-opted members will not be entitled to voting rights at Committee meetings.
4.2 At Committee meetings four members should form a quorum. To maintain continuity within the Committee and Association, the senior post of President is for four years, Vice President for three years, Secretary and Treasurer should be for a period of two years. The remainder of the Committee shall be elected for a period of one year at every Annual General Meeting. (AGM)
4.3 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in September each year. Extraordinary Meetings may be convened at the discretion of the Committee or on the written requisition of not less than 25% of the members. Twenty one days' notice is to be given of an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting, such meetings to be announced in the local media, displayed on the official GTBA website and communicated to all team captains and as many members as possible. 20 members are required to form a quorum. However, if no quorum is reached within 10 minutes of the stated starting time, the meeting may still go ahead at the discretion of the President or his/her nominated Chair.
4.4 Standing For, or Re-election of Committee Members.
Any member willing to stand for or be re-elected as a member of the Committee must place in writing, either by letter or email, etc. their intentions at least four weeks prior to the expected date of the AGM’ . On doing so, it is then the responsibility of the Committee to advertise this intent to all members at least fourteen days prior to the expected date of the AGM.
In the event that no nomination has been received for any individual committee post, then nominations will be accepted and voted on at the AGM, in addition to all received nominees for annually elected posts by way of a secret ballot.
4.5 If any member desires a matter to be brought forward at any AGM, EGM or Captains meeting the text of such matter shall be sent to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of such meeting, so that it may be included in the Agenda. Any item not on the published agenda will not be discussed.
4.6 At Annual/Extraordinary General Meetings or Captains Meetings, a majority of votes decides a resolution, with the President/Chair holding the casting vote. Only paid up members aged 18 and over are entitled to vote.
4.7 Should the Association be wound-up for any reason, the standing Committee will decide on the distribution of any assets to sporting concerns and/or local charities.
4.8 All members will be issued with the minutes (although not formally accepted) of the AGM prior to the commencement of the next season, deemed to be 1st October either via the GTBA website or through contact details kept on GTBA database.
4.9 All new members will be furnished with a copy of the current Constitution on acceptance; existing members may access it from the official GTBA web site or from a Committee Member by request.
5.1 The Committee will organise domestic leagues and competitions, development tours and excursions, social tours and excursions, coach education opportunities and also a fair seeding system for choosing players to represent Gibraltar in international competitions.
5.2 The Committee will select a team manager and/or coach from any member of the Association for the particular event that they will represent. The person selected as coach must at least be qualified as an ETBF Level 2 or Equivalent coaching program recognized by the ETBF or IBF. These persons will not have a voting right at Committee meetings.
5.3 In the case of a vacancy occurring during the course of the year in the Members of the Committee, or the suspension of any member of the Committee, the Committee shall immediately appoint another member with no vote to fill the vacancy until the next AGM.
5.4 The Committee may at times ask individual representatives to attend meetings - they will not have any voting rights.
5.5 The Committee shall at the AGM present an Income and Expenditure Account with a full cash book transaction listing available on request, which later shall be duly certified by an auditor elected at the AGM.
5.6 The Committee shall not make any modifications to the Constitution, nor decide to make any alterations without the authority of the members vote, at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. The Playing Rules may be changed by the Committee at any time after having previously advised all the team captains accordingly.
If any team captain does not agree with this then a Captains meeting shall be convened where a minimum of 25% of teams have to be represented. One vote per team to count. If there is no quorum then the Committees’ decision will stand.
5.7 The Committee will meet at least once every two months, 4 Members should form a quorum. If any Committee member fails to attend two successive meetings he/she will be asked to confirm their commitment to the GTBA and asked to consider their position on the Committee. Continued failure to attend meetings will result in suspension from the Committee whereby clause 5.3 may be invoked.
5.8 The Committee will ensure prompt payment of subscription to International bodies.
5.9 Each Committee member has certain responsibilities accredited to their position on the committee; these responsibilities are listed below but are not definitive as new responsibilities may arise during the season.
President: To run the Association in accordance with the Constitution.
Vice President: To take charge whenever the President is unavailable, be responsible to the media and chair any disciplinary proceedings or any other matter requested by the President.
Secretary: Take charge of all correspondence both internally and externally and register all members.
Treasurer: Take charge of all accounts appertaining to the Association and to produce an account at AGMs or whenever required by the Committee
League Coordinator: Responsible for the organization of the leagues including scores & handicaps registration details.
Fixtures Secretary: Responsible for the organization of the leagues and cup fixtures, rescheduling fixtures and communicating with the alley.
Media Representative: Responsible for updating all the associations media outlets: social media, website, local news agencies.
Youth Coordinator – to take charge of all youth matters that may arise and organize training sessions for youth development.
Safeguarding officer - to manage and report any concerns about children and for putting into place procedures to safeguard children in the organisation and the coaches supporting GTBA
Events Coordinator – to take charge of organizing all events including but not limited to, National Championships, Masters; Presentation Night, Qualifiers, Rankings.
Committee Members: To assist other committee members in their roles and provide assistance to the smooth running of the committee
6.1 Only paid up members of the GTBA will be allowed to represent the Association.
6.2 In addition the member must also satisfy all of the following conditions:
6.3 Any player selected to represent the Association/Country at a particular competition will be required to deposit a sum as stipulated in the Code of Conduct Contract of the estimated cost to cover immediate items such as entrance fees and flights.
Failure to deposit said amount within 30 days of official notification will result in the place being offered to the next qualifying member with the same conditions applying.
All selected players must raise funds from fund raising events or sponsorship towards the balance, taking into consideration funds from membership fees (clause 3.6) and Government sponsorship.
Failure to do so will result in that person funding their part from their own resources.
Failure to meet the incurred costs will prevent that player from future representative events until the amount is repaid in full to the Association.
7.1 Every member binds themselves to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Association and rules laid down by Kings Bowl, GSLA, or any respective bowling centre.
7.2 Any alleged breach of the rules and regulations must be brought to the attention of the Committee. In the event of any member being, in the opinion of the Committee, guilty of misbehaviour, unsporting conduct or conduct prejudicial to Tenpin Bowling, GTBA or Gibraltar. The member will be informed of any action the Committee intend to undertake, and likely to include the Committee carrying out an information gathering process, which could involve inviting all concerned parties to attend a Committee Meeting. The Committee will then sit to discuss the allegation, at such a meeting the Vice President will act as chair person and there must be a minimum of 80% of Committee members present. Once a decision has been reached the Committee will inform the player of their findings with regards the allegation.
7.3 At this stage the member can appeal against the Committee decision and take it to appeal. At this subsequent meeting the President will act as Chairperson. Present will be the member and/or his chosen representative, two Committee members, a representative from GSLA (Gibraltar Sport & Leisure Authority) and the GTBA President. Following the meeting a final and binding decision will be given in writing to the member.
Following the practice adopted by many Sporting Associations a number of items have been placed in this section to create a more flexible working document. Items in this section can be amended outside of AGMs and EGMs, but are still liable to restrictions of change as outlined in the various rules and regulations.
In this section you may find the following:
* Playing Rules for League and Cup Games, including time allocations and imposed conditions at KB
* Playing Rules for Representative Qualification Tournaments
* Code of Behaviour Contract for Representatives of the GTBA
* Fixtures & handicaps
* Rescheduling matches and ‘No Shows’.
The aim of the GTBA (founded 1995) is to encourage and develop Tenpin bowling in Gibraltar.
To achieve its’ aim the GTBA have the following objectives;
- To organise accredited coaching schemes for the benefit of GTBA members.
- To represent Gibraltar in at least one FIQ or accredited international competition per year.
- To organise the league, and adopt a fair system which creates a balanced and competitive environment for all to enjoy.
- To organise bowling sessions for the youth of Gibraltar.
- To further develop our relationship with the FIQ & International Federations, to identify opportunities to develop our standards.
Rule 3.1 All new bowlers are welcome at any time during the season and must be proposed and seconded by an existing member (18 and over) of the GTBA or at the time of Team Registration. In the event of admission during the playing season. Membership subscriptions MUST be paid to a GTBA committee member before any further matches are played. If there are 50% or less of league matches remaining for their registered team then only 50% of the membership fee is too paid.
- A. Hon Members aged 60 and above do not incur any membership fee, but are liable for any administration fee from the Association or Bowling Alley. They have full voting rights
- B. Full Members aged 18 up to 60 must pay an annual membership subscription fee. They have full voting rights.
- C. Youth Members aged 17 or under as of the 1st September must pay an annual administration fee to the Association; they do not have any voting rights.
- D. Voting rights only apply to eligible members attending meetings; there are no votes by proxy.
3.3. The annual membership subscription fee or annual administration charge will be set /reviewed at every AGM.
3.4 The annual Team membership subscription, and player’s fees, must be paid to the Treasurer before the start of the league season deemed to be 1st October. For new members, subscriptions must be paid within 30 days of official notification of acceptance to the Association. Until subscriptions are paid no new members are allowed to benefit from any of the privileges afforded to members of the Association. See RULE 3.1
3.5 The annual team registration fee is none refundable. All monies collected from team registration will be used to help fund the Presentation Night, trophies and other expenses.
3.6 The Association may use a percentage of the subscription monies not exceeding 40% to help fund any shortfall (after fund-raising) for representative tournaments. This 40% is the maximum allowed for all anticipated competitions in any one year; September 1st to August 31st.The allocation of these funds will be distributed equally at the beginning of the season between these tournaments. In the case of this not being used then it will be passed on to the following year.
4.1. All members of the GTBA Committee, consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, League Coordinator, Fixtures Secretary, Youth Coordinator, Media Representative, Events coordinator, Safeguarding Officer & Committee Members will govern the Association. The Committee may co-opt additional members to assist them in their duties. Co-opted members will not be entitled to voting rights at Committee meetings.
4.2 At Committee meetings four members should form a quorum. To maintain continuity within the Committee and Association, the senior post of President is for four years, Vice President for three years, Secretary and Treasurer should be for a period of two years. The remainder of the Committee shall be elected for a period of one year at every Annual General Meeting. (AGM)
4.3 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in September each year. Extraordinary Meetings may be convened at the discretion of the Committee or on the written requisition of not less than 25% of the members. Twenty one days' notice is to be given of an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting, such meetings to be announced in the local media, displayed on the official GTBA website and communicated to all team captains and as many members as possible. 20 members are required to form a quorum. However, if no quorum is reached within 10 minutes of the stated starting time, the meeting may still go ahead at the discretion of the President or his/her nominated Chair.
4.4 Standing For, or Re-election of Committee Members.
Any member willing to stand for or be re-elected as a member of the Committee must place in writing, either by letter or email, etc. their intentions at least four weeks prior to the expected date of the AGM’ . On doing so, it is then the responsibility of the Committee to advertise this intent to all members at least fourteen days prior to the expected date of the AGM.
In the event that no nomination has been received for any individual committee post, then nominations will be accepted and voted on at the AGM, in addition to all received nominees for annually elected posts by way of a secret ballot.
4.5 If any member desires a matter to be brought forward at any AGM, EGM or Captains meeting the text of such matter shall be sent to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of such meeting, so that it may be included in the Agenda. Any item not on the published agenda will not be discussed.
4.6 At Annual/Extraordinary General Meetings or Captains Meetings, a majority of votes decides a resolution, with the President/Chair holding the casting vote. Only paid up members aged 18 and over are entitled to vote.
4.7 Should the Association be wound-up for any reason, the standing Committee will decide on the distribution of any assets to sporting concerns and/or local charities.
4.8 All members will be issued with the minutes (although not formally accepted) of the AGM prior to the commencement of the next season, deemed to be 1st October either via the GTBA website or through contact details kept on GTBA database.
4.9 All new members will be furnished with a copy of the current Constitution on acceptance; existing members may access it from the official GTBA web site or from a Committee Member by request.
5.1 The Committee will organise domestic leagues and competitions, development tours and excursions, social tours and excursions, coach education opportunities and also a fair seeding system for choosing players to represent Gibraltar in international competitions.
5.2 The Committee will select a team manager and/or coach from any member of the Association for the particular event that they will represent. The person selected as coach must at least be qualified as an ETBF Level 2 or Equivalent coaching program recognized by the ETBF or IBF. These persons will not have a voting right at Committee meetings.
5.3 In the case of a vacancy occurring during the course of the year in the Members of the Committee, or the suspension of any member of the Committee, the Committee shall immediately appoint another member with no vote to fill the vacancy until the next AGM.
5.4 The Committee may at times ask individual representatives to attend meetings - they will not have any voting rights.
5.5 The Committee shall at the AGM present an Income and Expenditure Account with a full cash book transaction listing available on request, which later shall be duly certified by an auditor elected at the AGM.
5.6 The Committee shall not make any modifications to the Constitution, nor decide to make any alterations without the authority of the members vote, at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. The Playing Rules may be changed by the Committee at any time after having previously advised all the team captains accordingly.
If any team captain does not agree with this then a Captains meeting shall be convened where a minimum of 25% of teams have to be represented. One vote per team to count. If there is no quorum then the Committees’ decision will stand.
5.7 The Committee will meet at least once every two months, 4 Members should form a quorum. If any Committee member fails to attend two successive meetings he/she will be asked to confirm their commitment to the GTBA and asked to consider their position on the Committee. Continued failure to attend meetings will result in suspension from the Committee whereby clause 5.3 may be invoked.
5.8 The Committee will ensure prompt payment of subscription to International bodies.
5.9 Each Committee member has certain responsibilities accredited to their position on the committee; these responsibilities are listed below but are not definitive as new responsibilities may arise during the season.
President: To run the Association in accordance with the Constitution.
Vice President: To take charge whenever the President is unavailable, be responsible to the media and chair any disciplinary proceedings or any other matter requested by the President.
Secretary: Take charge of all correspondence both internally and externally and register all members.
Treasurer: Take charge of all accounts appertaining to the Association and to produce an account at AGMs or whenever required by the Committee
League Coordinator: Responsible for the organization of the leagues including scores & handicaps registration details.
Fixtures Secretary: Responsible for the organization of the leagues and cup fixtures, rescheduling fixtures and communicating with the alley.
Media Representative: Responsible for updating all the associations media outlets: social media, website, local news agencies.
Youth Coordinator – to take charge of all youth matters that may arise and organize training sessions for youth development.
Safeguarding officer - to manage and report any concerns about children and for putting into place procedures to safeguard children in the organisation and the coaches supporting GTBA
Events Coordinator – to take charge of organizing all events including but not limited to, National Championships, Masters; Presentation Night, Qualifiers, Rankings.
Committee Members: To assist other committee members in their roles and provide assistance to the smooth running of the committee
6.1 Only paid up members of the GTBA will be allowed to represent the Association.
6.2 In addition the member must also satisfy all of the following conditions:
- a) Either be born, live or work in Gibraltar AND be in possession of a Gibraltar ID card or British Passport at the time of their selection.
- b) Have qualified through an official GTBA Qualification Tournament.
- c) Agree to and sign a Code of Behaviour/Conduct Contract which may be adapted in accordance to each individual Tournament, if the committee feels it fit to ask.
- d) Have their selection accepted by 75% of the Committee.
6.3 Any player selected to represent the Association/Country at a particular competition will be required to deposit a sum as stipulated in the Code of Conduct Contract of the estimated cost to cover immediate items such as entrance fees and flights.
Failure to deposit said amount within 30 days of official notification will result in the place being offered to the next qualifying member with the same conditions applying.
All selected players must raise funds from fund raising events or sponsorship towards the balance, taking into consideration funds from membership fees (clause 3.6) and Government sponsorship.
Failure to do so will result in that person funding their part from their own resources.
Failure to meet the incurred costs will prevent that player from future representative events until the amount is repaid in full to the Association.
7.1 Every member binds themselves to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Association and rules laid down by Kings Bowl, GSLA, or any respective bowling centre.
7.2 Any alleged breach of the rules and regulations must be brought to the attention of the Committee. In the event of any member being, in the opinion of the Committee, guilty of misbehaviour, unsporting conduct or conduct prejudicial to Tenpin Bowling, GTBA or Gibraltar. The member will be informed of any action the Committee intend to undertake, and likely to include the Committee carrying out an information gathering process, which could involve inviting all concerned parties to attend a Committee Meeting. The Committee will then sit to discuss the allegation, at such a meeting the Vice President will act as chair person and there must be a minimum of 80% of Committee members present. Once a decision has been reached the Committee will inform the player of their findings with regards the allegation.
7.3 At this stage the member can appeal against the Committee decision and take it to appeal. At this subsequent meeting the President will act as Chairperson. Present will be the member and/or his chosen representative, two Committee members, a representative from GSLA (Gibraltar Sport & Leisure Authority) and the GTBA President. Following the meeting a final and binding decision will be given in writing to the member.
Following the practice adopted by many Sporting Associations a number of items have been placed in this section to create a more flexible working document. Items in this section can be amended outside of AGMs and EGMs, but are still liable to restrictions of change as outlined in the various rules and regulations.
In this section you may find the following:
* Playing Rules for League and Cup Games, including time allocations and imposed conditions at KB
* Playing Rules for Representative Qualification Tournaments
* Code of Behaviour Contract for Representatives of the GTBA
* Fixtures & handicaps
* Rescheduling matches and ‘No Shows’.

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